Thursday, June 13, 2013

Positive Rewards

A young mother told me recently
that she doesn't affirm or reward her 9 year old boy for good behavior. My heart sank. I tried to reason with her, but, I believe, to no avail.

Please, parents, I implore you - if you want your children to be good, then they must believe they are good; and the only way they are going to believe it, is if they hear more positive messages than negative ones.

(For clarification, I'm not talking about feeding a child candy when she cleans her room or eats her peas..)

Our kids (especially those in public schools) fight everyday to survive the society in which they live. Teachers, friends and acquaintances sting and betray.

Don't be the primary negative voice in your child's life. You are more responsible than you might think to provide and create environments where your child can lovingly and honestly receive good, uplifting messages about himself.

I personally believe that for every negative or corrective statement received, a child must hear at least 3-4 positive ones for correction to take root in a positive way.

Children are precious and vulnerable. They are worthy of our love and respect.

~Home and Heart

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